Craniosacral Therapy
in Bucharest, Romania
& Wiltshire, UK
physical • mental • emotional
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle but profound treatment that can help to relieve pain and tension by allowing your body the space to create its own natural healing and, in doing so, improving your overall wellbeing.
Babies, Children & Teens
Craniosacral Therapy is a nurturing and calming approach to childhood healthcare. Children of all ages can benefit, from the newborn baby to the sixth-form student.
Craniosacral Therapy can help to build a healthy foundation from which your child can grow into a well-balanced, settled and contented adult.
Womens Health
Craniosacral Therapy can help support women throughout their lives. Hormones, pregnancy, fertility issues, postpartum recovery and menopause are examples of aspects of womans health that can be supported by Craniosacral Therapy.
Trauma & Stress
Most of us have experienced overwhelming stress at one point or another. Stress can end up having detrimental effects on our bodies and overall wellbeing, and Craniosacral Therapy can help to reduce that stress in your body.
Trauma can be found stored in the body long after a traumatic event, or period of our lives has passed. Trauma puts our bodies into a fight, flight or freeze response. Craniosacral Therapy can help to let these trauma states go, calming the nervous system, to create a more peaceful outlook.